20 Feb 7 bric phd scholarships for fall 2024
The list of topics for the AAP UB PhD Scholarships is online!
They are published on ADUM : https://adum.fr/UBX/ptUBPS
Applications are open until March 11, 2024 at 12:00 pm, on the university’s application platform only. : https://aap.u-bordeaux.fr/
No other deposits will be accepted.
You can find out more on the dedicated page of the doctoral website :
- a program flyer
- a tutorial for candidates on how to register on the platform
Our BRIC unit is one of the partner institutes of the Graduate Program Cancer Biology and is proposing 7 thesis topics for this call for applications. All our offers : https://www.bricbordeaux.com/en/job/
Specialty: Cancer biology
Caractérisation moléculaire des carcinomes hépatocellulaires associés à un déficit en Alpha 1-Antitrypsine
Molecular characterization of Alpha 1-Antitrypsin deficiency-related hepatocellular carcinoma.
Team 3
Exploration du rôle de la furine dans le cancer colorectal avec des mutations KRAS ou BRAF : Implications pour les thérapies ciblées
Exploring the Role of Furin in Colorectal Cancer with KRAS or BRAF Mutations: Implications for Targeted Therapies.
Team 2
Influence des cellules myeloides immunosuppressives sur les propriétés tumorogéniques et métastatiques des cellules souches cancéreuses dans le cancer gastrique
Influence of myeloid-derived suppressor cells on gastric cancer stem cell tumorigenic and metastatic properties.
Team 4
Les paralogues ARHGAP35/p190A and ARHGAP5/p190B : cibles potentielles dans le cancer de l’endomètre?
ARHGAP35/p190A and ARHGAP5/p190B paralogs: potential targets in endometrial cancer?
Team 3
Nouvel anticorps monoclonal pour traiter l’osteosarcome metastatique
New therapeutic antibody for osteosarcoma metastasis treatment.
Team 2
Regulation de l’hematopoiese normale et leucemique par des recepteurs couples aux proteines g
Regulation of the normal and leukemic hematopoiesis by g-protein coupled receptors.
Team 11
Rôles des isoformes d’histone H1 et H3 dans le cancer du sein triple négatif (TNBC)
Roles of histone H1 and H3 isoforms in triple negative breast cancer (TNBC).
Team 7