04 Feb Prix Ruban Rose Avenir – Dr Monica Arnedos, team 7 BRIC
On Thursday January 16, the association Ruban Rose, alongside Yaël Braun-Pivet, President of the French National Assembly, organized the 21ᵉ edition of the Ruban Rose Awards and Bursaries for Breast Cancer Research.
We are delighted to be able to count among the 4 Ruban Rose Avenir prizes, the project led by Dr Monica Arnedos, BRIC team 7: Targeting Transcription in Breast Cancer, with an endowment of 225,000 euros!

MAESTRO project
This project on metaplastic cancers brings together a consortium of doctors and researchers from several cancer centers, led by Dr Monica Arnedos – medical oncologist and head of the breast cancer research program at the Institut Bergonié and part of our unit’s Team 7.
The MAESTRO project aims to gain a better understanding of metaplastic breast cancers, which are rare and resistant to conventional treatments. This project collects clinical and genetic data to develop appropriate treatments. The study of 140 tumors will enable the design of new personalized therapies to improve patient prognosis.
This project is in collaboration with the Leon BERARD center in Lyon, and the Institut CURIE in Paris. Part of the analysis will be carried out by Pr Gaetan MacGrogran, who is also a member of BRIC Team 7 and Institut Bergonié.