Hémangiome-Propranolol publication, team TRIO2

Read the article written by Candice Ménégon for the SBM Department on the recent publication of theTeam 05 – Translational Research In Oncodermatology and Orphan skin diseases (TRIO2). head by Hamid-Reza Rezvani and Marie Beylot-Barry.

The opportunity to focus on research conducted on cutaneous infantile hemangioma and its treatment with propranolol.

Link to the SBM Department communication

Scientific article: Kaulanjan-Checkmodine, Priscilla et al. “Is Infantile Hemangioma a Neuroendocrine Tumor?.” International journal of molecular sciences vol. 23,9 5140. 5 May. 2022, doi:10.3390/ijms23095140