26 Jan Muriel Cario, Team 5 TRIO2, Galénic prize and SFD funding
Muriel Cario, co-manager of the Aquiderm transfer unit and researcher in Team 5 TRIO2, received with Chrystel Faure (Institut de Chimie et Biologie des membranes et Nano-objets, CBMN) the Galénic dermatology research found prize for their project “Development of a topical targeted immunotherapy for skin cancers using multilamellar liposomes”.
Muriel Cario also obtained funding from the Société Française de Dermatologie et de Pathologie Sexuellement Transmissible (SFD) for the project “Role of telocytes in the development of cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas”, the subject of Julie Clachet’s thesis in Team 5.