2024 was the year of our unit's first mid-term review, with a visit from our Scientific Board, comprising René Bernards (NKI - Netherlands), Jean Ehrland Ricci (CMMM, Nice - France), Urzula Hibner (IGMM, Montpellier - France), Ruth Scherz-Shouval (Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot - Israel)...

Today, June 14, is World Blood Donor Day! Blood donation plays an essential role in the treatment of cancer patients. In fact, they are the leading recipients of blood products (source EFS) : Treatment of leukemia requires regular transfusions The effects of chemotherapy can be offset by transfusions. Another...

Ce symposium sur les cancers pancréatiques est organisé par des scientifiques l'équipe 2 et de l'équipe 8 (Samuel Amintas, Sandrine Dabernat, Serge Evrard, Majid Khatib, Christophe Laurent, Véronique Vendrely, Simon Pernot). t will take place from 16 to 18 October 2023 at the Domaine du Haut...

The first action of the Patient/Research Interaction group took place on July 12, 2023 at BRIC. My lab in 180 seconds, or how to present your team's work in a way that the general public can understand. The work was orchestrated by a Master's student,...