AFIS, Association Française pour l’Information Scientifique, is organizing an online conference with Professor Emeritus Jacques Robert on Tuesday March 26 at 8pm.
All information and registration at this link.
Cancers have been a particular source of inspiration for charlatans, naturopaths and crudivores. Cancers carry a strong emotional charge, are seen as a curse, and carcinophobia leads people who are well-informed and thoughtful to turn to solutions that defy common sense and reason. If “alternative” methods of preventing and curing cancer proved as effective as they are, the disease would have been eradicated a long time ago. And yet, each year sees its share of charlatans appear on the juicy market of alternative “medicines” and prosper, who with a miracle diet, who with a new “revolutionary” treatment. Quackery is certainly dangerous on an individual level, and famous names such as Steve McQueen and Steve Jobs have paid the price. But it is also dangerous on a collective level, as it insidiously spreads false ideas and vain hopes throughout the population, thus contributing to the spread of pernicious sectarian phenomena. During this webconference, Jacques Robert will take stock of these charlatanisms and the dangers they represent. Jacques Robert is Professor Emeritus of Oncology at the University of Bordeaux since September 2019. In this capacity, he is a member of Team 2 (Reprogramming of tumor activity and the associated microenvironment – Rytme) and an honorary hospital practitioner at the Institut Bergonié, the Bordeaux Cancer Center, where he headed the biochemistry laboratory for over 35 years.