September, leukemia awareness month

In this month of September, which celebrates leukemia research, team 10 and team 11 of our BRIC unit (U1312 – INSERM / Université de Bordeaux) were keen to highlight the importance of this research, but also to raise awareness of the symptoms of these diseases to improve patient care.

These blood cancers, which affect around 10,000 people (Sante Publique France) of all ages in France every year, often have a poor prognosis and, according to the WHO, cause around 7,500 deaths a year. The research carried out by these 2 teams aims to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms by which leukemia develops, with a view to developing new therapies.

This promising research is supported in large part by public research bodies and patient associations (Ligue contre le cancer, Association Laurette Fugain, Fédération Leucémie Espoir, Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale – FRM, Fondation ARC pour la recherche sur le cancer, Rotary Club…), which live and breathe thanks to your donations.

You can also play an active part in the fight against leukemia by donating stem cells (register for 18-35 year-olds), which is essential for the treatment of these diseases and the survival of patients.

Find out all about it in our conference on this subject during EuroVéro’s visit in October 2023.