Meeting between ARC donors and BRIC researchers

On the occasion of the official presentation of funding by the ARC Foundation for cancer research for the “CLASSE” project led by Pierre-Louis Soubeyran (team 11 cancer and age) on December 5, some thirty ARC Foundation donors came to meet scientists in our laboratories.

After a presentation of the ARC Foundation by Odile de Laurens, Director of Resource Development, and of the Bordeaux BRIC oncology research unit by its director Frederic Saltel, Pierre Soubeyran presented the “CLASSE” project. Finally, the donors split into several groups to visit the laboratories: ImmunoConcept with Victor Appay, Gaelle Autaa and Vivien Caillens and BRIC (BoRdeaux Institute of onCology) with Katie Sawai and Sarah Duchamp.

By 2050, 1 in 2 cancers will occur in people over the age of 75. Despite the impact of advancing age on the onset of cancer, the biological mechanisms of aging that play a part in cancer formation and response to current treatments are still little studied.

The ARC Foundation has launched the “Cancer and Aging” program to improve understanding of the specific biology of cancer in the elderly, with the ultimate aim of generating new strategies for the detection, diagnosis and treatment of these cancers. Since 2022, 8 projects of excellence have been selected for a total of 11.6 million euros, including the “CLASSE” project, which will receive almost 3 million euros over 6 years.

“CLASS” project (Cancer of the Lung And SeneScencE)

Identifying biomarkers of aging to better adapt the treatment of lung cancer in elderly subjects. A two-stage approach combining clinical and biological aspects.

The strength of this project, coordinated by Prof. Pierre Soubeyran with Prof. Serge Adnot, is that it brings together six research teams from different cities in France, with a variety of specialties, led by :

  • Catherine Sawaï – team 11 BRIC, Bordeaux
  • Victor Appay – ImmunoConcept, Bordeaux
  • Serge Adnot, Olivier Bischof – Institut Mondor de Recherche Médicale, Créteil
  • Florence Canoui-Poitrine – Hôpital Henri Mondor, Créteil
  • Eric Gilson – Institut de Recherche sur le Vieillissement de Nice (IRCAN)
  • Paul Hofman, Rabia Boulahssass – CHU de Nice.

The challenges of this project:

Produce a more accurate and refined picture of the biological age and general condition of each lung cancer patient, right from diagnosis. Ultimately, the expected results of this project should not only help to better anticipate and adapt the management of elderly people affected by lung cancer, but also to develop new therapeutic approaches more specific to the biology of these cancers.

Read the portrait of Pierre Soubeyran produced by the Fondation ARC as part of its “Paroles de chercheurs” series.